dimanche, juin 17, 2007

I'm such a horrible person...

Would it be extremily horrible to take a break from blogging on blogger and focus on my livejournal? Tell if you protest. It is really hard to multi-task and I'm basically writing the same things on each blog anyway...I do love you all, I'll add you as my friends....once i figure out how.

lundi, juin 11, 2007


SAY goodbye to many rivers folks because our family has officially left it!! FIFTH GRADERS!!!!!!! FAREWELL!!!!!!!!

dimanche, juin 10, 2007

11:36 pm

I've had a period of time where I can't read or listen to anything that isn't complete brain candy. So right now I'm listening to a Princess Diaries (party princess) HAHA! embarassing I know, but, whatever. That's all I really have to say. I should go to bed soon. All right. Goodnight. Post tomorrow.

New journal!

Hello. I'm here to tell you that I have a new livejournal! so three cheers!!!!!!!


Ballet shoes are on our door mat.

Hello. Fetus just called me and asked me what my blog address was and when I told her I also told her that if you scroll earlier in my blog you can see pictures. So i had a wonderful trip down memory lane today. and I miss pictures so much I'm going to put on here and it's going to be a picture of whatever I find!

Just in case *wink*

jeudi, juin 07, 2007

Sophomore passage

IT'S TODAY!!! AHHHH!!!! I'm doing mine on dance, and I practiced many many many many times, but of course im nervous. AFter sophomore passage I can go home and practice for the FRENCH PRESENTATION I have to do today! In front of the french community!!!! SCARY! It's 7 in the morning so it's my freaking out stage, I'll be fine once I get there. Wish me luck, in french and in english!!

6 more days of SCHOOL!!!!! golly gee then I'll be a junior! WOW! no one told me that high school went by so fast!!

jeudi, mai 31, 2007

Speeding Cars

11 and half more days of school! I think i got that right. I hope so!! Our school is doing a very sweel wrapping up job, we get to make two big preformances in one day and well...nothing else but REFLECTION!!!! MY FAV! Joyful. Is it just me or are there a lot more speeding cars these days. Those ranbunctious teens!! maybe it's just a summer feeling. I read Animal Farm recently and suprisingly loved it!! I recomend it!! Jolly. Good. Bon. Oh I also recomend Imogen Heap. Very good artist!! She's kind of like Regina Spektor and Death Cab For Cutie mixed! Jolly Good.