mercredi, février 15, 2006

Raise your hand if u want hot chai

hmmm i've been thinking about the new yea ill settle with that for now

in school we're doing greek scenes and my group is doing the scene in Antigone where she yells at Creon and she yells back, fun,fun. I'm Antigone, the problem is our group can't go through a single scene without cracking up, my friend isabel keeps making silly faces to mimick my character, oi vay! 9th graders!

MORE EXCITING NEWS!!!! we have a NAAAAAAAMMMMEEE!!! except we need to put it through the school board frist, but i'm betting they'll be fine with it the new name is........drum roll please.....

CASCO BAY HIGH!!!ugly huh, i guess it's nice and classic, but boring mishugina is better, the CRAAAZY high school, thats because we're just downright crazy!

1 commentaire:

margot a dit…

yes, i heard about the new name! that is exciting!