mercredi, mai 17, 2006

Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn

Howdy!!! how are my favorite bloggers?! THATS GOOD! hmmmm.....i'm in the mood for some comments, so i'll try to write something you can comment on? how 'bout a joke?! nothing better than a loverly high spirited joke, right?!

What can go up the chimmeny down, but can't go down the chimmeny up?

(answer in comments)

3 commentaires:

margot a dit…

no idea. santa clause?? zombies?? on the offchance that they might come a-callin'?

Liz Woodbury a dit…

an umbrella!

Artemis a dit…

ding ding ding, liz is the winner, would you like

1 pickles
2 a hand shake
3 a david burne impression?