mardi, juin 27, 2006

Day 2

we went to dinner at the rainforest cafe, never go there, this picture is of a statue on top of a fountain, i found this funny because there are tons of fancy soaps and oils and shampoo's in the bathroom (it says rescue the rainforest, if you can't see)

we went to this really cool cirque du soleil thing and while going on the bus found some funny signs on the bus.

crazy girl checkin' out the falls

we finally checked out the falls, actually we were there for hours, it was so misty that even above the falls you could feel a lot of mist. Now imagine that except one thousand times more, that's what it was like on the Maid of the Mist. If you look closely at this picture you can see (near the falls) a tiny speck, that's the Maid of the Mist, that wasn't our boat of course but that's how close we got to the falls as well.

the people who were camping next to us were very strict with their kids but also had the most annoying dog ever, also when we walked into the bathroom we were very surprised, that is the other picture

we left that hotel the next day to go to Niagara Falls, it was crazy! it was like being inside a giant pinball machine! we camped in the falls at a place called KOA

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