mercredi, juin 21, 2006

exactly ten dollars and 00/100

yep that's me, bored. That's what the check reads that my babysitee's parents gave me a long time ago.......actually to be exact, 5/19/06. FYI: when adrienne reads stuff that is in front of her she is either really bored or really.......not. So i'm sittin' hear, my hair is wet because......hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! sorry just remembered something, today at the horse camp i was counseling at (it went good, by the way) my friend Marley (i know her from school, she's in my crew) got a pin that says "because i'm the groom that's why" apparently jeanie gave it to her because she is stuck in the grooming group (preaning the horses, basically) all the time and the kids ask her all these ridiculous questions like, well how come? and why? so now she can point to her pin and say

"because i'm the groom that's why!"

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