jeudi, mai 31, 2007

Speeding Cars

11 and half more days of school! I think i got that right. I hope so!! Our school is doing a very sweel wrapping up job, we get to make two big preformances in one day and well...nothing else but REFLECTION!!!! MY FAV! Joyful. Is it just me or are there a lot more speeding cars these days. Those ranbunctious teens!! maybe it's just a summer feeling. I read Animal Farm recently and suprisingly loved it!! I recomend it!! Jolly. Good. Bon. Oh I also recomend Imogen Heap. Very good artist!! She's kind of like Regina Spektor and Death Cab For Cutie mixed! Jolly Good.

2 commentaires:

Liz Woodbury a dit…

good girl. keep blogging!

margot a dit…

yay, you are blogging again! i'm glad you liked animal farm. i liked it too, though i can't remember much about it now...