mardi, février 07, 2006


If this seems like an ode to kate and peter it is not, they just seem to be on the phone whenever i write. And of course i'm not saying they're not awesome, because they are. wholey and fully and cooly and awesomely!! so today i went to french and i went home and my foot hurts *fake tear* i can't bend it..... guess what! i thought we actually wouldn't have school pictures but alas everything can not be perfect about the ELOB or as zoe would say, JDHS. I can't stand the 3 seconds of bright light and perfect smiles and knowledge of your unphotogenicness.....

........i complain too much

3 commentaires:

Artemis a dit…

good question

margot a dit…

including me! you have every right to complain.

margot a dit…

don't worry, you don't complain as much as i do.