lundi, février 06, 2006


yes i know thats not until......thursday but thats the day when i go to the library and hang out with kate and peter.............

thats was random........way to random, sorry, i hope youll forgive me...

O by the way if you want to join me and kates random weirdness club, please dont be afraid to admit your weirdness, we all have it hidden smewhere in there...

yea, so today i went to school did homework (i haven't finished yet, i was taking a break, you need it when doing french!) and then wrote this blog entry so, as Natasha Bedingfeild would say, the rest is still Unwritten : D

5 commentaires:

margot a dit…

sorry, adrienne, but who are kate and peter? are they your cousins, or do they go to your school?

Artemis a dit…

i'll tell you as long as you tell me who knuckles mcgee actually this paul? no....who the heck is this!!!

Artemis a dit…

kate and peter r 2 of my best!

margot a dit…

oh, grand.

margot a dit…

i am most certainly ZOE!